REad post
As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.
You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.
When I took my first writing class, my teacher, Laura, suggested that we write on paper with a pen rather than type on our laptops. (blink. blink. say what?). I think I had both claws gripping my Mac. Laura said “something special” happens when you write on paper. But she didn’t elaborate. So I tried […]
Journalling will change your life. It is an essential way of processing your emotions and recording the daily wisdom that you don’t want to forget. When you write out how you feel without edits, your awareness of the day’s hurts, highs, lows, gratitudes, and bizarre events are more “chewy.” It’s as if you get to […]
You know I like control. Yes, I’m a recovering “ONE-OF-THOSE-MOMS”. But while it’s fine to give clear orders in the resus bay, my kids have helped me realize that orders have natural consequences at home. When I go into order and control mode, I have less fun as a mother. And it causes me stress […]
If I had known how destructive shift work was for my sleep and health, I don’t think I would have chosen to be an emergency doctor. And while you might not be in emergency medicine, you’re probably still working late hours, doing call at the hospital, or bringing your work home with you. All doctors […]
There are a few things that I don’t mind to collect in my home. Books. Cameras. Bookmarks. Tote bags with hipster references. Bicycles. And journals. Whether you prefer a digital journal, audio recordings, or luxurious paper like me–I encourage you to tap into the power of journalling. Why? As a mother and a doctor, does […]
As women and doctors, it’s safe to say that you are comfortable giving advice. Often. While I’m sure your patients appreciate your efforts to help guide them with the best medical practices, what about when you interact with your colleagues and friends in social settings or on social media? Can you refrain from giving advice […]