Journalling will change your life. It is an essential way of processing your emotions and recording the daily wisdom that you don’t want to forget.

When you write out how you feel without edits, your awareness of the day’s hurts, highs, lows, gratitudes, and bizarre events are more “chewy.” It’s as if you get to live them twice.
“Did I really say THAT?” (insert face plant).
“Wow, I must have been really disappointed with XYZ. But it came across as ABC.”
“So THIS is why I’m not submitting that research grant…I hate REB!”
This is gold people. This is data.
And so for the next few blogs, I’d like to share some of my favourite journal prompts with you to help you reflect on where you are and where you will go from here.
Question: “What is an area in your life that you have neglected and that you need to reprioritize?”