There is a scene from the movie “Stepmom” that just….arghhhh! Even though I wasn’t a mother when I saw it, it made me cry.
Mothers are the keystones of a healthy family.
It can feel like a thankless invisible burden sometimes. Okay, a lot of times.
So my journal prompt for you is this:
Think back to the day you became a mother for the first time.
Think about the wishes you had for your child.
Think about the wishes you had for yourself.
Then write a letter to that woman to tell her everything that is in your heart.
You see her trying her best.
You assure her she can be strong and wise, not just beautiful and helpful.
You tell her that her jokes are funny and that her cooking has improved. Really.
You tell her that she didn’t screw it all up.
Then read it outloud.
Because as of now, you still have your kids’ future to enjoy.
Question: “What is in your future as a mother?”