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As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.

You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.



“you have their future”

There is a scene from the movie “Stepmom” that just….arghhhh! Even though I wasn’t a mother when I saw it, it made me cry. Mothers are the keystones of a healthy family. It can feel like a thankless invisible burden sometimes. Okay, a lot of times. So my journal prompt for you is this: Think […]


“morning pages”

When I took my first writing class, my teacher, Laura, suggested that we write on paper with a pen rather than type on our laptops. (blink. blink. say what?). I think I had both claws gripping my Mac. Laura said “something special” happens when you write on paper. But she didn’t elaborate. So I tried […]


“emotions are data”

Journalling will change your life. It is an essential way of processing your emotions and recording the daily wisdom that you don’t want to forget. When you write out how you feel without edits, your awareness of the day’s hurts, highs, lows, gratitudes, and bizarre events are more “chewy.” It’s as if you get to […]


“the value of family learning”

When you were growing up, what did your parents model for you regarding the division of household chores? Was it equal? Was it divided amongst gendered expectations? Or did one parent manage it all? I grew up with an older sister and a younger brother. My parents divided chores based on age appropriate skill levels. […]


“when to find a mentor, when to find a coach”

Do you have a mentor or a coach? Do you know the difference? A mentor is someone who is a few steps further than you who can guide you to be where they are one day. In short, your goals are similar. Think about someone who mentors you to be a top notch researcher or […]

Coaching Tools

“daily negativity”

My husband told me that I am very negative. Naturally, I didn’t believe him. But I decided to write down all of my negative thoughts in a notebook just to show him, “ha! I’m not critical! I’m just honest…” Well, well… The first day I counted 38 negative thoughts. Some were quite nasty. Many were […]


“how the past can lift you”

Nelson Mandela once said, “I never lose. I either win, or I learn.” Let that sink in. It’s so powerful. Do you have something in your past that keeps you stuck? A belief? A trauma? A choice? Some random comment someone said about you? It’s easy to believe that the past defines you, that what […]

Coaching Tools

“simple 4-step change”

Whenever I want to change a part of my life, I ask myself these 4 questions: What are my current beliefs/thoughts? What do I need to accept must change? What would the ideal situation look like? What is my strategy to get there? Earlier, I shared how I was able to engineer more freedom into […]


“power and attention”

You know I like control. Yes, I’m a recovering “ONE-OF-THOSE-MOMS”. But while it’s fine to give clear orders in the resus bay, my kids have helped me realize that orders have natural consequences at home. When I go into order and control mode, I have less fun as a mother. And it causes me stress […]


“reclaim your non-negotiable hour”

In his book the 5 am Club, Robin Sharma talks about how some of the most successful people in the world wake up early in order to prioritize healthy habits that begin their day in a positive way. He gives a simple example of waking up one hour earlier than usual and dedicating that hour […]