REad post
As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.
You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.
When you were growing up, what did your parents model for you regarding the division of household chores? Was it equal? Was it divided amongst gendered expectations? Or did one parent manage it all? I grew up with an older sister and a younger brother. My parents divided chores based on age appropriate skill levels. […]
By default, I think I’m right. And in line with this belief, naturally I try to control how people around me behave and think. If you believe this doesn’t apply to you, ask yourself if you’ve ever done any of these things: Escalated an argument with a trainee consultant by saying “fine–I want to speak […]
I love talking about purpose and meaning with people. I especially enjoy listening to people who are navigating tough decisions in their lives. I could do that all day long. Medical trainees know this and often earnestly ask me “where should I work, Dawn?” “Where, Dawn? What hospital? I need to get this right! TELL […]
Is there a book you’ve long promised yourself to read? Or an adventure you’d like to experience with your family? Or a hobby you’d like to try? What’s stopping you? “But Dawn, I don’t have the time!” Hmm….let’s agree to disagree. Last week, I asked you to get into the habit of choosing. Choose one […]