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As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.

You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.


Coaching Tools

“daily negativity”

My husband told me that I am very negative. Naturally, I didn’t believe him. But I decided to write down all of my negative thoughts in a notebook just to show him, “ha! I’m not critical! I’m just honest…” Well, well… The first day I counted 38 negative thoughts. Some were quite nasty. Many were […]

Coaching Tools

“simple 4-step change”

Whenever I want to change a part of my life, I ask myself these 4 questions: What are my current beliefs/thoughts? What do I need to accept must change? What would the ideal situation look like? What is my strategy to get there? Earlier, I shared how I was able to engineer more freedom into […]

Coaching Tools

“teams win faster”

When I was a medical student on team medicine, the attending, Dr. Rob Fowler said “people like Team Medicine…because everyone suffers together.” Haha. Love it. And it’s so true. I remember ordering dinner for the team from Spring Rolls and sharing late night snacks with my fellow trainees…finishing our consults, learning some new content, and […]

Coaching Tools

“learn from regret”

In 2012, at that moment in the emergency department when I felt I had screwed up my life choices, I would never have guessed that I would ever be on the other side of burnout. I didn’t know much about personal development, core values, or habits. I didn’t even know how to take care of […]

Coaching Tools

“the areas we would rather not see”

Growth. You might hate it. You might resist it. You might feel as if “you don’t have time for it.” But you know you need to grow if you’re going to get out of burnout. This is non-negotiable. As non-negotiable as acknowledging Colin Firth as the definitive Mr. Darcy. Don’t try to argue with me […]

Coaching Tools

“find your ritual keystone time block”

Your chronotype describes the patterns of time that you naturally feel most sleepy and wakeful. When you are faced with an important deadline, what time of the day tends to be your most productive and energetic? Do you thrive best at night time when everyone else is asleep? Does the golden hue of your reading […]

Coaching Tools

“the missing magic ingredient”

When you were a kid, how long did your summers feel? For me, those golden days seemed to last forever. I remember running through the sprinklers, riding bikes with the neighbourhood kids, then going to the corner store to grab some freezies. We only went home when Mrs. Douglas called out into the twilight “Jonathan, […]

Coaching Tools

“true comfort in your day”

If you’re in the happy position to have a roof over your head (rented, mortgaged, or paid), a stable job, a stable income, and access to nutritious food, you’re ahead of 99% of people in this world. But, I bet you are TIME POOR. So we are going to talk about the rich ways to […]

Coaching Tools

“create your brain dump list”

As a woman, there are societal expectations that you be helpful, caring, and nurturing. When you are strong and you have attended to your needs, it’s very natural to want to help others. Humans are hard wired to connect, belong, and contribute. This is what thriving is all about! What doesn’t work so well is […]

Coaching Tools

“pare down or automate”

I know—there is so much to do. But, you’re not going to do “busy” anymore right? And you have a smaller plate, so some things have to go! Let’s focus on the following 2×2 table and get rid of the hate-to-do/don’t-have-to-do combination of tasks. Many things that meet these criteria likely sneak into your week. […]