Yes, that’s right. I want you to do a time audit.
Do you ever feel that your life is governed by crises rather than true priorities?
Like the dog gets sick and needs to see the vet.
Your attic has a new leak.
Or your child has a test tomorrow and just told you. And it’s 10 pm!
It’s very easy for the days and years to slip by. And then suddenly another birthday or another year has passed.
Resolutions are great, but if you don’t review how you spent your last year, you won’t have a good sense of what you want to do differently.
I suggest you start with a year-end review OR review the last 3 months if that’s more appropriate.
Get out your calendar, digital or analog, and go through each week. Get a sense of the major categories of tasks you did.
Group your activity categories under these three headings:
1. Things you loved and want more of in your life.
2. Tasks that gave you energy, focus, and protected your health.
3. Tasks that you want to lessen in the future

What trends do you notice? Are you happy with the overall balance? Or does something need to change?
Then the next step is to block time off in your calendar to do the things that you love FIRST. Put that step in first. Promise yourself a year full of things that you love! Not “some day” and not in a decade.
Put the good stuff in right now so you can look forward to the gifts ahead.
Question: “what will you intentionally put onto your calendar to bring more joy into your life?”