If you had asked me 15 years ago what I thought of rest, I would have said “sleeping is for lazy people.” And I really believed it.
Like many doctors, I was proud of my ability to plough through long days at the hospital with almost no sleep or breaks to eat. I didn’t even need coffee to fuel my workaholic tendencies!
In other words, I was a fool.
But I have become wiser over the years. During the pandemic, I realized that health was my number one priority. And a major pillar of my health is sleep.
Sleep is now my number one priority. I know that if I get good quality sleep on a routine basis, my
creativity flows
my patience grows
my exercise routine is more likely to happen
I choose healthier foods
I am more patient with my kids
I laugh more with my colleagues
I am less likely to scroll endlessly on social media
I have the bandwidth to focus on high priority projects that make me come alive
The secret to a slow morning/great day is good quality sleep the night before. The energy of the night before sets the tone for the day after.

You know all that great sleep hygiene advice you give your patients? Follow it yourself! You can't make wise decisions or have the bandwidth to invest in yourself if you're exhausted. You need mental clarity to do the hard work ahead.
Get some luxurious percale sheets, a cozy quilt, perfect pillows, and a sleep mask.
And leave your phone outside of the room.
You’re welcome.
Question: “when was the last time you prioritized your sleep?”