You might hate it.
You might resist it.
You might feel as if “you don’t have time for it.”
But you know you need to grow if you’re going to get out of burnout. This is non-negotiable. As non-negotiable as acknowledging Colin Firth as the definitive Mr. Darcy. Don’t try to argue with me on this one or we can’t be friends!

“The OG“
Growing helps you face the roots of your burnout in a way that self-care doesn’t.
It’s like having that difficult face-to-face conversation about boundaries with the co-worker who constantly complains and brings down the group’s morale (instead of just reducing your shift load or skipping meetings).
Or starting an honest discussion with your spouse about the unequal division of invisible work at home (instead of escaping into Netflix with a tub of ice cream).
Or finally getting a good grasp of financial literacy so you can say yes to your side passion beyond medicine. Because you can’t use your lack of money know-how as an excuse anymore!
Personal growth helps you deal with root causes. But growth is uncomfortable, scary, and slow.
I experienced amazing changes when I started to choose the discomfort of growth over the comforts of self-care. I know you will too.
Question: Can you think of one area in your life where you would like to grow?