I love talking about purpose and meaning with people. I especially enjoy listening to people who are navigating tough decisions in their lives. I could do that all day long. Medical trainees know this and often earnestly ask me “where should I work, Dawn?”
“Where, Dawn? What hospital? I need to get this right! TELL ME!!!”
I can remember when this seemed like the ultimate question for me, so just know that what I do tell them is filtered for their sensitive ears. Because I basically tell them that IT DOES NOT MATTER. Start somewhere. Pivot as needed. No need to hang your heart on the idea of the perfect straight path.
We can’t know something belongs in our life until we try. We can do all the intellectual exercises and debate the pros and cons, but experience is what matters. Experience is data. When we try one thing and realize it doesn’t really suit us, we learn something about ourselves. Nothing is wasted. These false starts or mistakes are gifts. They help us navigate our lives much better than angsty mind games. In business school, we refer to these mistakes as “sunk costs.” The investment has been paid. Love the outcome or learn from the decision.
Sometimes, you put your time and energy into something that opens great unforeseen opportunities (this is why I encourage people to follow their interests without needing to fix upon an end goal). Other times, you realize you made a real stinker of a decision.
I have learned so much from my mistakes. I have gained so much clarity from my mistakes.
Question: When have you made an amazing mistake? What did you learn from it?