Is there a book you’ve long promised yourself to read?
Or an adventure you’d like to experience with your family?
Or a hobby you’d like to try?
What’s stopping you?
“But Dawn, I don’t have the time!”
Hmm….let’s agree to disagree.
Last week, I asked you to get into the habit of choosing. Choose one small easy step toward your goal. Before you can make difficult choices, make the easy choices first. Finding free time is kind of like finding a toonie in your purse—found time, like found money, comes in small spurts. But free time leaks incessantly if you let it.
Maybe your time is not eaten up by social media, but it’s probably getting stolen by something.
Committees that don’t get anything done?
Listening to someone complain?
Long commutes?
Cleaning up your child’s sock drawer?
Okay, some of these things might need to be done and done by you, but do any of them get precedence over your dreams?
Because 2 hours per day x 7 days = 14 hours of free choice.
Make choosing YOUR PRIORITY more often your next life-changing habit.
Question: Find your stolen time and reclaim it. What will you do with this gift? Share in the comments below!