Even better than “having it all” is being very clear with what you want in the first place. Your “all” and my “all” are going to be different. But if you accept society’s definition of “all”, you might be chasing a lot of things without 100% energy–ultimately gaining very little happiness in the process.
My family recently visited Flam, Norway. We had our last dinner in a fancy restaurant overlooking a serene fjord.
It was a buffet.
Between the most amazing cheese board I’d ever seen, the assortment of smoked/hot/cold seafood, and the stunning array of desserts—let’s just say my brain and hands went GREEDY!
But, I did not overeat.
I drank water and skipped the wine.
I chose a beautiful rainbow salad to start the meal.
I fully enjoyed the smoked salmon and crab.
I took a break in between bites.
And I had one small tart for dessert. OK, maybe two.
Everything, from start to finish, was delicious. The conversations and quality time with my family filled me the rest of the way.
Life is like a buffet. It’s full of tempting treats and choices.
But like the post-prandial discomfort that comes with overeating, so too will you feel burnt out and overwhelmed when you have too much on your plate. It is impossible to balance TOO MUCH. And impossible to enjoy it anyway when your plate is too full.
My first actionable tip? Get a smaller plate.
Imagine that you can only have the choicest most scrumptious foods to put on your teeny tiny plate. You can clearly skip the foods you don’t love. But you will also have to say no to some foods you do love.
Maybe that means you will have only one scrumptiously divine strawberry tart for dessert, but you will be in the right space to truly enjoy it. And you will savour every bite…
Question: What would it mean for you to have a smaller plate? Share in the comments below!