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As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.

You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.



“physician mom shame with Dr. Joan Chan”

When I first heard Brené Brown talk about shame, I did not identify shame as being the root cause of my burnout. After all, control is just my way of being efficient. And sure, I criticize and blame other people (when they do stupid things). Okay, and yes I compare. But who doesn’t? I’m working […]


“if you manage it, they will be helpless”

I once did a parenting quiz that had a title along the lines of “find out how you’re screwing up your kids!” On the “permissive to controlling parenting style” spectrum, I scored really high on the controlling side. The quiz suggested that my parenting style encouraged learned helplessness—that my kids would wait to be told […]


“why I hate the term working mom”

You will never find joy as a mother until you recognize that the societal expectations of mothers are TOXIC and are designed to make you doubt your self-worth. These expectations thrive on a steady dose of unhealthy comparison. Maybe you need to leave home before your kids go to school because you round on your […]


“don’t call me a superhero”

This essay is as true today as it was when I wrote it a few years ago. When I wrote it, my editor asked me “Dawn, are you sure you want to share this?” Why does a doctor’s pain go unnoticed? It’s because we are too afraid to be vulnerable. Daily practice. Small steps. Move […]


“the sure way to lose”

Imagine this: You wake up, pee, and then take a shower… Wait, what—was that a dream? (Right? Aren’t there about 20 missing steps in that sequence???) Whether you’re the only one to react to the dirty sock lying next to the hamper, the first one who steps up to say YES to help a sick […]


“stop being busy and start winning”

Have you accepted that being busy is part of your life? As a mother-doctor, you have so many identities. I know that people come to you with their needs because you are known to get $#it done. Maybe you feel proud that you can get it all done? mother/wife/daughter/doctor/peacemaker/homework checker/grocery shopper/sports coach/listkeeper/RSVPer/gift buyer/shoelace finder/housekeeper/dinner maker/dinner […]


“is it work that’s getting you burnt out…or the laundry?”

In her inspiring TED talk, Tiffany Dufu calls a woman’s need to perfectly manage every aspect of the household the “home control disease.” Others call it the invisible mental load that tends to fall more on women in heterosexual partnerships. No matter what you call it, it’s the patriarchy baked into gendered norm expectations. No […]