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As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.

You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.



“the dreaded waiting place”

You now understand that core values help you filter out the less optimal paths in life and perhaps you’ve taken a few items off your to-do list. But what if you’re still stuck as to the next best move? Do you know where you want to go? “waiting for a train to go Or a […]

Coaching Tools

“find your ritual keystone time block”

Your chronotype describes the patterns of time that you naturally feel most sleepy and wakeful. When you are faced with an important deadline, what time of the day tends to be your most productive and energetic? Do you thrive best at night time when everyone else is asleep? Does the golden hue of your reading […]


“when you carry the extra load, every kilometre feels like a thousand”

When I was at the peak of my burnout in 2013, I went on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. Some days, I walked 20 km in the unrelenting heat. A few days, I walked 40 km. When I left Canada, my backpack weighted 13 kg. By the end of the pilgrimage, […]

Coaching Tools

“the missing magic ingredient”

When you were a kid, how long did your summers feel? For me, those golden days seemed to last forever. I remember running through the sprinklers, riding bikes with the neighbourhood kids, then going to the corner store to grab some freezies. We only went home when Mrs. Douglas called out into the twilight “Jonathan, […]

Coaching Tools

“true comfort in your day”

If you’re in the happy position to have a roof over your head (rented, mortgaged, or paid), a stable job, a stable income, and access to nutritious food, you’re ahead of 99% of people in this world. But, I bet you are TIME POOR. So we are going to talk about the rich ways to […]

Coaching Tools

“create your brain dump list”

As a woman, there are societal expectations that you be helpful, caring, and nurturing. When you are strong and you have attended to your needs, it’s very natural to want to help others. Humans are hard wired to connect, belong, and contribute. This is what thriving is all about! What doesn’t work so well is […]

Coaching Tools

“pare down or automate”

I know—there is so much to do. But, you’re not going to do “busy” anymore right? And you have a smaller plate, so some things have to go! Let’s focus on the following 2×2 table and get rid of the hate-to-do/don’t-have-to-do combination of tasks. Many things that meet these criteria likely sneak into your week. […]

Coaching Tools

“start with your core values”

As important as it is to know what to do, you must also understand what to stop doing. Last week, I asked you to observe all the ways you managed or handled tasks that someone else could do or learn to do. It was hard, right? Of the many tasks that demand your attention, the […]


“if you manage it, they will be helpless”

I once did a parenting quiz that had a title along the lines of “find out how you’re screwing up your kids!” On the “permissive to controlling parenting style” spectrum, I scored really high on the controlling side. The quiz suggested that my parenting style encouraged learned helplessness—that my kids would wait to be told […]


“spot, stop, swap”

Blog: “spot, stop, swap” What is a change that you would like to make in your life? Maybe you’d like to snuggle and read stories with your kids instead of passing out in front of Netflix at the end of the day? Maybe you’d like to stop caring so much about how your home looks […]