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As a mother and a doctor, I know you are sometimes worried and afraid, overwhelmed and overstretched. But your families depend on you to be their foundation. You're imperfect. And that's okay.
Because you are something better.

You're whole, fierce, and unshakeable.



“an oasis of calm”

If you had asked me 15 years ago what I thought of rest, I would have said “sleeping is for lazy people.” And I really believed it. Like many doctors, I was proud of my ability to plough through long days at the hospital with almost no sleep or breaks to eat. I didn’t even […]

Work Life Balance

“know how you spend your time”

Yes, that’s right. I want you to do a time audit. (GROOOAAAANNNNNN). Why? Do you ever feel that your life is governed by crises rather than true priorities? Like the dog gets sick and needs to see the vet. Your attic has a new leak. Or your child has a test tomorrow and just told […]


“my journal habit”

There are a few things that I don’t mind to collect in my home. Books. Cameras. Bookmarks. Tote bags with hipster references. Bicycles. And journals. Whether you prefer a digital journal, audio recordings, or luxurious paper like me–I encourage you to tap into the power of journalling. Why? As a mother and a doctor, does […]


“the gift of regret is a second chance to do things correctly”

Have you read this beautiful essay by Bronnie Ware? Bronnie worked with palliative care patients and wanted to share the universal stories of regret from those at the end of their lives. Write down your regrets. Keep this list in front of you, because you can use these regrets to be guide posts for your […]

Coaching Tools

“learn from regret”

In 2012, at that moment in the emergency department when I felt I had screwed up my life choices, I would never have guessed that I would ever be on the other side of burnout. I didn’t know much about personal development, core values, or habits. I didn’t even know how to take care of […]


“shorten the season for renewal”

At this time of year (if it’s December when you’re reading this), probably you are thinking back to what happened in the past 12 months. Maybe you feel good about all you’ve accomplished. Maybe you feel you didn’t hit your goals. I want to share a habit that I started to practice about 8 years […]


“goodbye tiger mom–hello whalebone mom!”

If you’ve ever read the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by law professor Amy Chua, you’ll have a good idea of the type of mother I thought I would be. I had dreams of my kids speaking four languages, being great readers, being skilled at the violin, and of course excelling at the best […]


“a life-long practice”

There is no quick fix to burnout. You are not responsible for the holes in the healthcare system. I hope this is obvious. It’s okay to feel angry that medical culture penalizes those who choose to be mothers. It does extract an unfair toll. Expectations for mothers are unrealistic. You know this. I don’t need […]

Coaching Tools

“the areas we would rather not see”

Growth. You might hate it. You might resist it. You might feel as if “you don’t have time for it.” But you know you need to grow if you’re going to get out of burnout. This is non-negotiable. As non-negotiable as acknowledging Colin Firth as the definitive Mr. Darcy. Don’t try to argue with me […]

Work Life Balance

“when self-care is not enough”

What is your favourite way to relieve stress? Have you ever found yourself indulging in your favourite stress reliever, only to feel jarred back to the terrible truth that your reality has not changed (and maybe even feels worse than ever)? Did the stress reliever do its job and provide real comfort and rejuvenation? Or […]